address.c | |
address.h | Representation of network addresses |
async.c | State management for asynchronous messages |
async.h | State management for asynchronous messages |
bits.h | Bit vector manipulation |
block.c | |
block.h | |
coap.h | |
coap_debug.c | |
coap_debug.h | |
coap_dtls.c | |
coap_dtls.h | |
coap_dtls_gnutls.c | |
coap_event.c | |
coap_event.h | |
coap_gnutls.c | |
coap_hashkey.c | |
coap_hashkey.h | Definition of hash key type and helper functions |
coap_io.c | |
coap_io.h | |
coap_notls.c | |
coap_openssl.c | |
coap_session.c | |
coap_session.h | |
coap_time.c | |
coap_time.h | Clock Handling |
coap_tinydtls.c | |
encode.c | |
encode.h | |
libcoap.h | |
mem.c | |
mem.h | |
net.c | |
net.h | |
option.c | |
option.h | Helpers for handling options in CoAP PDUs |
pdu.c | |
pdu.h | Pre-defined constants that reflect defaults for CoAP |
prng.h | Pseudo Random Numbers |
resource.c | |
resource.h | Generic resource handling |
str.c | |
str.h | |
subscribe.c | |
subscribe.h | |
uri.c | |
uri.h | |
uthash.h | |
utlist.h |