libcoap 4.3.2
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 module_api_wrap.hDoxygen specific wrapper for Modules layout
 coap_address.hRepresentation of network addresses
 coap_asn1_internal.hCoAP ASN.1 internal information
 coap_async.hState management for asynchronous messages
 coap_async_internal.hCoAP async internal information
 coap_block.hCoAP Block information
 coap_block_internal.hCoAP block internal information
 coap_cache.hProvides a simple cache request storage for CoAP requests
 coap_cache_internal.hCoAP cache internal information
 coap_crypto_internal.hCOAP crypto internal information
 coap_debug.hCoAP Logging support
 coap_dtls.hCoAP DTLS support
 coap_dtls_internal.hInternal CoAP DTLS support
 coap_encode.hEncoding and decoding of CoAP data types
 coap_event.hEvent handling
 coap_forward_decls.hCoAP forward definitions
 coap_hashkey_internal.hDefinition of hash key type and helper functions
 coap_internal.hPulls together all the internal only header files
 coap_io.hDefault network I/O functions
 coap_io_internal.hInternal network I/O functions
 coap_layers_internal.hInternal layer I/O functions
 coap_mem.hCoAP memory handling
 coap_mutex_internal.hCoAP mutex mechanism wrapper
 coap_net.hCoAP context interface
 coap_net_internal.hCoAP context internal information
 coap_netif_internal.hInternal CoAP Netif support
 coap_option.hHelpers for handling options in CoAP PDUs
 coap_oscore.hCoAP OSCORE support
 coap_oscore_internal.hCoAP OSCORE internal information
 coap_pdu.hPre-defined constants that reflect defaults for CoAP
 coap_pdu_internal.hCoAP PDU internal information
 coap_prng.hPseudo Random Numbers
 coap_resource.hGeneric resource handling
 coap_resource_internal.hGeneric resource internal handling
 coap_riot.hRIOT-specific definitions for libcoap
 coap_session.hDefines the application visible session information
 coap_session_internal.hCoAP session internal information
 coap_str.hStrings to be used in the CoAP library
 coap_subscribe.hDefines the application visible subscribe information
 coap_subscribe_internal.hCoAP subscribe internal information
 coap_tcp_internal.hCoAP TCP internal information
 coap_time.hClock Handling
 coap_uri.hHelper functions for URI treatment
 coap_uri_internal.hCoAP URI internal information
 coap_ws.hCoAP WebSockets support
 coap_ws_internal.hInternal CoAP WebSockets support
 libcoap.hPlatform specific header file for CoAP stack
 oscore.hAn implementation of the Object Security for Constrained RESTful Environments (RFC 8613)
 oscore_cbor.hAn implementation of the Concise Binary Object Representation (RFC)
 oscore_context.hAn implementation of the Object Security for Constrained RESTful Enviornments (RFC 8613)
 oscore_cose.hAn implementation of the CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (RFC)
 oscore_crypto.hAn implementation of the Hash Based Key Derivation Function (RFC) and wrappers for AES-CCM*
 oscore.cAn implementation of the Object Security for Constrained RESTful Enviornments (RFC 8613)
 oscore_cbor.cAn implementation of the Concise Binary Object Representation (RFC)
 oscore_context.cAn implementation of the Object Security for Constrained RESTful Environments (RFC 8613)
 oscore_cose.cAn implementation of the CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (RFC)
 oscore_crypto.cAn implementation of the Hash Based Key Derivation Function (RFC) and wrappers for AES-CCM*
 coap_address.cHandling of network addresses
 coap_asn1.cCoAP specific ASN.1 handling
 coap_async.cState handling for asynchronous messages
 coap_block.cCoAP Block handling
 coap_cache.cCoAP Cache handling
 coap_debug.cDebug utilities
 coap_dtls.cCoAP (D)TLS handling functions
 coap_encode.cEncoding and decoding Coap data types functions
 coap_event.cEvent handling
 coap_gnutls.cGnuTLS interafe functions
 coap_hashkey.cHashkey functions
 coap_io.cNetwork I/O functions
 coap_layers.cLayer Handling
 coap_mbedtls.cMbed TLS specific interface functions
 coap_mem.cMemory handling functions
 coap_net.cCoAP context functions
 coap_netif.cCoAP Netif handling functions
 coap_notls.cNoTLS specific interface functions
 coap_openssl.cOpenSSL specific interface functions
 coap_option.cCoAP option handling functions
 coap_oscore.cCoAP OSCORE handling
 coap_pdu.cCoAP PDU handling
 coap_prng.cPseudo Random Number functions
 coap_resource.cServer resource handling functions
 coap_session.cSession handling functions
 coap_str.cString handling functions
 coap_subscribe.cSubscription handling functions
 coap_tcp.cCoAP TCP handling functions
 coap_time.cClock handling functions
 coap_tinydtls.cTinyDTLS specific handling functions
 coap_uri.cURI handling functions
 coap_ws.cCoAP WebSocket handling functions