libcoap 4.3.5-develop-4c7ce99
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Internal API for handling Sessions. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for Sessions:

Data Structures

struct  coap_addr_hash_t
 Only used for servers for hashing incoming packets. More...
struct  coap_session_t
 Abstraction of virtual session that can be attached to coap_context_t (client) or coap_endpoint_t (server). More...
struct  coap_endpoint_t
 Abstraction of virtual endpoint that can be attached to coap_context_t. More...


#define COAP_SESSION_REF(s)   ((s)->ref
#define COAP_ACK_TIMEOUT(s)   ((s)->ack_timeout)
#define COAP_ACK_RANDOM_FACTOR(s)   ((s)->ack_random_factor)
#define COAP_MAX_RETRANSMIT(s)   ((s)->max_retransmit)
#define COAP_NSTART(s)   ((s)->nstart)
#define COAP_DEFAULT_LEISURE(s)   ((s)->default_leisure)
#define COAP_PROBING_RATE(s)   ((s)->probing_rate)
#define COAP_MAX_PAYLOADS(s)   ((s)->max_payloads)
#define COAP_NON_MAX_RETRANSMIT(s)   ((s)->non_max_retransmit)
#define COAP_NON_TIMEOUT(s)   ((s)->non_timeout)
#define COAP_NON_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT(s)   ((s)->non_receive_timeout)
#define COAP_NON_PROBING_WAIT_BASE(s)   ((s)->non_probing_wait_base)
#define COAP_NON_PARTIAL_TIMEOUT(s)   ((s)->non_partial_timeout)
 The DEFAULT_LEISURE definition for the session (s).
 The MAX_TRANSMIT_SPAN definition for the session (s).
 The MAX_TRANSMIT_WAIT definition for the session (s).
 The PROCESSING_DELAY definition for the session (s).
 The MAX_RTT definition for the session (s).
 The EXCHANGE_LIFETIME definition for the session (s).
 The NON_LIFETIME definition for the session (s).
 The NON_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT definition for the session (s).
 The NON_PROBING_WAIT definition for the session (s).
 The NON_PARTIAL_TIMEOUT definition for the session (s).
#define COAP_NON_TIMEOUT_RANDOM(s)    coap_get_non_timeout_random(s)
 The NON_TIMEOUT_RANDOM definition for the session (s).


typedef enum coap_ext_token_check_t coap_ext_token_check_t
 coap_ext_token_check_t values


enum  coap_ext_token_check_t { COAP_EXT_T_NOT_CHECKED = 0 , COAP_EXT_T_CHECKED , COAP_EXT_T_CHECKING }
 coap_ext_token_check_t values More...


coap_fixed_point_t coap_multi_fixed_fixed (coap_fixed_point_t fp1, coap_fixed_point_t fp2)
coap_fixed_point_t coap_multi_fixed_uint (coap_fixed_point_t fp1, uint32_t u2)
coap_fixed_point_t coap_add_fixed_fixed (coap_fixed_point_t fp1, coap_fixed_point_t fp2)
coap_fixed_point_t coap_add_fixed_uint (coap_fixed_point_t fp1, uint32_t u2)
coap_fixed_point_t coap_sub_fixed_uint (coap_fixed_point_t fp1, uint32_t u2)
coap_fixed_point_t coap_div_fixed_uint (coap_fixed_point_t fp1, uint32_t u2)
coap_fixed_point_t coap_get_non_timeout_random (coap_session_t *session)
coap_tick_t coap_get_non_timeout_random_ticks (coap_session_t *session)
void coap_session_send_csm (coap_session_t *session)
 Notify session transport has just connected and CSM exchange can now start.
void coap_session_connected (coap_session_t *session)
 Notify session that it has just connected or reconnected.
void coap_session_disconnected_lkd (coap_session_t *session, coap_nack_reason_t reason)
 Notify session that it has failed.
coap_mid_t coap_session_send_ping_lkd (coap_session_t *session)
 Send a ping message for the session.
int coap_session_refresh_psk_hint (coap_session_t *session, const coap_bin_const_t *psk_hint)
 Refresh the session's current Identity Hint (PSK).
int coap_session_refresh_psk_key (coap_session_t *session, const coap_bin_const_t *psk_key)
 Refresh the session's current pre-shared key (PSK).
int coap_session_refresh_psk_identity (coap_session_t *session, const coap_bin_const_t *psk_identity)
 Refresh the session's current pre-shared identity (PSK).
coap_session_tcoap_new_server_session (coap_context_t *ctx, coap_endpoint_t *ep, void *extra)
 Creates a new server session for the specified endpoint.
void coap_session_establish (coap_session_t *session)
 Layer function interface for layer below session accept/connect being established.
coap_session_tcoap_session_reference_lkd (coap_session_t *session)
 Increment reference counter on a session.
int coap_session_set_type_client_lkd (coap_session_t *session)
 Set the session type to client.
void coap_session_release_lkd (coap_session_t *session)
 Decrement reference counter on a session.
ssize_t coap_session_send_pdu (coap_session_t *session, coap_pdu_t *pdu)
 Send a pdu according to the session's protocol.
ssize_t coap_session_delay_pdu (coap_session_t *session, coap_pdu_t *pdu, coap_queue_t *node)
coap_session_tcoap_endpoint_get_session (coap_endpoint_t *endpoint, const coap_packet_t *packet, coap_tick_t now)
 Lookup the server session for the packet received on an endpoint, or create a new one.
coap_endpoint_tcoap_new_endpoint_lkd (coap_context_t *context, const coap_address_t *listen_addr, coap_proto_t proto)
 Create a new endpoint for communicating with peers.
void coap_free_endpoint_lkd (coap_endpoint_t *endpoint)
 Release an endpoint and all the structures associated with it.
size_t coap_session_max_pdu_rcv_size (const coap_session_t *session)
 Get maximum acceptable receive PDU size.
size_t coap_session_max_pdu_size_lkd (const coap_session_t *session)
 Get maximum acceptable PDU size.
coap_session_tcoap_new_client_session_lkd (coap_context_t *ctx, const coap_address_t *local_if, const coap_address_t *server, coap_proto_t proto)
 Creates a new client session to the designated server.
coap_session_tcoap_new_client_session_pki_lkd (coap_context_t *ctx, const coap_address_t *local_if, const coap_address_t *server, coap_proto_t proto, coap_dtls_pki_t *setup_data)
 Creates a new client session to the designated server with PKI credentials.
coap_session_tcoap_new_client_session_psk_lkd (coap_context_t *ctx, const coap_address_t *local_if, const coap_address_t *server, coap_proto_t proto, const char *identity, const uint8_t *key, unsigned key_len)
 Creates a new client session to the designated server with PSK credentials.
coap_session_tcoap_new_client_session_psk2_lkd (coap_context_t *ctx, const coap_address_t *local_if, const coap_address_t *server, coap_proto_t proto, coap_dtls_cpsk_t *setup_data)
 Creates a new client session to the designated server with PSK credentials.
void coap_session_server_keepalive_failed (coap_session_t *session)
 Clear down a session following a keepalive failure.
void coap_session_free (coap_session_t *session)
void coap_session_mfree (coap_session_t *session)
void coap_read_session (coap_context_t *ctx, coap_session_t *session, coap_tick_t now)
void coap_connect_session (coap_session_t *session, coap_tick_t now)
void coap_handle_nack (coap_session_t *session, coap_pdu_t *sent, const coap_nack_reason_t reason, const coap_mid_t mid)

Detailed Description

Internal API for handling Sessions.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define COAP_ACK_RANDOM_FACTOR (   s)    ((s)->ack_random_factor)

Definition at line 633 of file coap_session_internal.h.


#define COAP_ACK_TIMEOUT (   s)    ((s)->ack_timeout)

Definition at line 632 of file coap_session_internal.h.


#define COAP_DEFAULT_LEISURE (   s)    ((s)->default_leisure)

Definition at line 636 of file coap_session_internal.h.


Use ms resolution on POSIX systems.
Definition coap_time.h:158

The DEFAULT_LEISURE definition for the session (s).

RFC 7252, Section 4.8 Initial value 5.0 seconds

Definition at line 655 of file coap_session_internal.h.


The MAX_LATENCY definition.
The PROCESSING_DELAY definition for the session (s).
The MAX_TRANSMIT_SPAN definition for the session (s).

The EXCHANGE_LIFETIME definition for the session (s).


Definition at line 712 of file coap_session_internal.h.


#define COAP_MAX_PAYLOADS (   s)    ((s)->max_payloads)

Definition at line 639 of file coap_session_internal.h.


#define COAP_MAX_RETRANSMIT (   s)    ((s)->max_retransmit)

Definition at line 634 of file coap_session_internal.h.



The MAX_RTT definition for the session (s).

RFC 7252, Section 4.8.2 Calculation of MAX_RTT (2 * MAX_LATENCY) + PROCESSING_DELAY

Definition at line 703 of file coap_session_internal.h.


(((s)->ack_timeout.integer_part * 1000 + (s)->ack_timeout.fractional_part) * \
((1 << ((s)->max_retransmit)) -1) * \
((s)->ack_random_factor.integer_part * 1000 + \
(s)->ack_random_factor.fractional_part) \
/ 1000000)

The MAX_TRANSMIT_SPAN definition for the session (s).

RFC 7252, Section 4.8.2 Calculation of MAX_TRAMSMIT_SPAN ACK_TIMEOUT * ((2 ** (MAX_RETRANSMIT)) - 1) * ACK_RANDOM_FACTOR

Definition at line 664 of file coap_session_internal.h.


(((s)->ack_timeout.integer_part * 1000 + (s)->ack_timeout.fractional_part) * \
((1 << ((s)->max_retransmit + 1)) -1) * \
((s)->ack_random_factor.integer_part * 1000 + \
(s)->ack_random_factor.fractional_part) \
/ 1000000)

The MAX_TRANSMIT_WAIT definition for the session (s).

RFC 7252, Section 4.8.2 Calculation of MAX_TRAMSMIT_WAIT ACK_TIMEOUT * ((2 ** (MAX_RETRANSMIT + 1)) - 1) * ACK_RANDOM_FACTOR

Definition at line 677 of file coap_session_internal.h.



Definition at line 684 of file coap_session_internal.h.



The NON_LIFETIME definition for the session (s).

RFC 7252, Section 4.8.2 Calculation of NON_LIFETIME MAX_TRANSMIT_SPAN + MAX_LATENCY

Definition at line 722 of file coap_session_internal.h.


#define COAP_NON_MAX_RETRANSMIT (   s)    ((s)->non_max_retransmit)

Definition at line 640 of file coap_session_internal.h.


#define COAP_NON_PARTIAL_TIMEOUT (   s)    ((s)->non_partial_timeout)

Definition at line 647 of file coap_session_internal.h.



The NON_PARTIAL_TIMEOUT definition for the session (s).

RFC9177 Section 6.2 Initial value EXCHANGE_LIFETIME (247 seconds)

Definition at line 757 of file coap_session_internal.h.


#define COAP_NON_PROBING_WAIT (   s)
The NON_TIMEOUT_RANDOM definition for the session (s).
coap_fixed_point_t coap_add_fixed_fixed(coap_fixed_point_t fp1, coap_fixed_point_t fp2)

The NON_PROBING_WAIT definition for the session (s).

RFC9177 Section 6.2 NON_PROBING_WAIT = NON_TIMEOUT * ((2 ** NON_MAX_RETRANSMIT) - 1) * ACK_RANDOM_FACTOR + (2 * MAX_LATENCY) + NON_TIMEOUT_RANDOM Default is 247-248 seconds

Definition at line 743 of file coap_session_internal.h.


#define COAP_NON_PROBING_WAIT_BASE (   s)    ((s)->non_probing_wait_base)

Definition at line 646 of file coap_session_internal.h.


COAP_NON_PROBING_WAIT(s).fractional_part * COAP_TICKS_PER_SECOND / 1000)
The NON_PROBING_WAIT definition for the session (s).

Definition at line 747 of file coap_session_internal.h.


#define COAP_NON_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT (   s)    ((s)->non_receive_timeout)

Definition at line 645 of file coap_session_internal.h.


( \

The NON_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT definition for the session (s).

RFC9177 Section 6.2 2 * NON_TIMEOUT

Definition at line 731 of file coap_session_internal.h.


#define COAP_NON_TIMEOUT (   s)    ((s)->non_timeout)

Definition at line 641 of file coap_session_internal.h.


#define COAP_NON_TIMEOUT_RANDOM (   s)     coap_get_non_timeout_random(s)

The NON_TIMEOUT_RANDOM definition for the session (s).

RFC9177 Section 6.2 Default is 2-3 seconds

Definition at line 767 of file coap_session_internal.h.


COAP_NON_TIMEOUT(s).fractional_part * COAP_TICKS_PER_SECOND / 1000)

Definition at line 642 of file coap_session_internal.h.


#define COAP_NSTART (   s)    ((s)->nstart)

Definition at line 635 of file coap_session_internal.h.


#define COAP_PROBING_RATE (   s)    ((s)->probing_rate)

Definition at line 637 of file coap_session_internal.h.


(((s)->ack_timeout.integer_part * 1000 + (s)->ack_timeout.fractional_part + \
500) / 1000)

The PROCESSING_DELAY definition for the session (s).

RFC 7252, Section 4.8.2 Calculation of PROCESSING_DELAY PROCESSING_DELAY set to ACK_TIMEOUT

Definition at line 693 of file coap_session_internal.h.


#define COAP_SESSION_REF (   s)    ((s)->ref

Definition at line 629 of file coap_session_internal.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ coap_ext_token_check_t

coap_ext_token_check_t values

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ coap_ext_token_check_t

coap_ext_token_check_t values


Not checked.


Token size valid.


Token size check request sent.

Definition at line 58 of file coap_session_internal.h.



Definition at line 46 of file coap_session_internal.h.

Function Documentation

◆ coap_add_fixed_fixed()

coap_fixed_point_t coap_add_fixed_fixed ( coap_fixed_point_t  fp1,
coap_fixed_point_t  fp2 

Definition at line 50 of file coap_session.c.

◆ coap_add_fixed_uint()

coap_fixed_point_t coap_add_fixed_uint ( coap_fixed_point_t  fp1,
uint32_t  u2 

Definition at line 60 of file coap_session.c.

◆ coap_connect_session()

void coap_connect_session ( coap_session_t session,
coap_tick_t  now 
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ coap_div_fixed_uint()

coap_fixed_point_t coap_div_fixed_uint ( coap_fixed_point_t  fp1,
uint32_t  u2 

Definition at line 76 of file coap_session.c.

◆ coap_endpoint_get_session()

coap_session_t * coap_endpoint_get_session ( coap_endpoint_t endpoint,
const coap_packet_t packet,
coap_tick_t  now 

Lookup the server session for the packet received on an endpoint, or create a new one.

endpointActive endpoint the packet was received on.
packetReceived packet.
nowThe current time in ticks.
The CoAP session or NULL if error.

◆ coap_free_endpoint_lkd()

void coap_free_endpoint_lkd ( coap_endpoint_t endpoint)

Release an endpoint and all the structures associated with it.

Note: This function must be called in the locked state.

endpointThe endpoint to release.
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ coap_get_non_timeout_random()

coap_fixed_point_t coap_get_non_timeout_random ( coap_session_t session)

◆ coap_get_non_timeout_random_ticks()

coap_tick_t coap_get_non_timeout_random_ticks ( coap_session_t session)
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ coap_handle_nack()

void coap_handle_nack ( coap_session_t session,
coap_pdu_t sent,
const coap_nack_reason_t  reason,
const coap_mid_t  mid 

Definition at line 953 of file coap_session.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ coap_multi_fixed_fixed()

coap_fixed_point_t coap_multi_fixed_fixed ( coap_fixed_point_t  fp1,
coap_fixed_point_t  fp2 

Definition at line 30 of file coap_session.c.

◆ coap_multi_fixed_uint()

coap_fixed_point_t coap_multi_fixed_uint ( coap_fixed_point_t  fp1,
uint32_t  u2 

Definition at line 40 of file coap_session.c.

◆ coap_new_client_session_lkd()

coap_session_t * coap_new_client_session_lkd ( coap_context_t ctx,
const coap_address_t local_if,
const coap_address_t server,
coap_proto_t  proto 

Creates a new client session to the designated server.

Note: This function must be called in the locked state.

ctxThe CoAP context.
local_ifAddress of local interface. It is recommended to use NULL to let the operating system choose a suitable local interface. If an address is specified, the port number should be zero, which means that a free port is automatically selected.
serverThe server's address. If the port number is zero, the default port for the protocol will be used.
A new CoAP session or NULL if failed. Call coap_session_release_lkd to free.

◆ coap_new_client_session_pki_lkd()

coap_session_t * coap_new_client_session_pki_lkd ( coap_context_t ctx,
const coap_address_t local_if,
const coap_address_t server,
coap_proto_t  proto,
coap_dtls_pki_t setup_data 

Creates a new client session to the designated server with PKI credentials.

Note: This function must be called in the locked state.

ctxThe CoAP context.
local_ifAddress of local interface. It is recommended to use NULL to let the operating system choose a suitable local interface. If an address is specified, the port number should be zero, which means that a free port is automatically selected.
serverThe server's address. If the port number is zero, the default port for the protocol will be used.
protoCoAP Protocol.
setup_dataPKI parameters.
A new CoAP session or NULL if failed. Call coap_session_release_lkd() to free.

◆ coap_new_client_session_psk2_lkd()

coap_session_t * coap_new_client_session_psk2_lkd ( coap_context_t ctx,
const coap_address_t local_if,
const coap_address_t server,
coap_proto_t  proto,
coap_dtls_cpsk_t setup_data 

Creates a new client session to the designated server with PSK credentials.

Note: This function must be called in the locked state.

ctxThe CoAP context.
local_ifAddress of local interface. It is recommended to use NULL to let the operating system choose a suitable local interface. If an address is specified, the port number should be zero, which means that a free port is automatically selected.
serverThe server's address. If the port number is zero, the default port for the protocol will be used.
protoCoAP Protocol.
setup_dataPSK parameters.
A new CoAP session or NULL if failed. Call coap_session_release_lkd() to free.

◆ coap_new_client_session_psk_lkd()

coap_session_t * coap_new_client_session_psk_lkd ( coap_context_t ctx,
const coap_address_t local_if,
const coap_address_t server,
coap_proto_t  proto,
const char *  identity,
const uint8_t *  key,
unsigned  key_len 

Creates a new client session to the designated server with PSK credentials.

Note: This function must be called in the locked state.

Use coap_new_client_session_psk2_lkd() instead.
ctxThe CoAP context.
local_ifAddress of local interface. It is recommended to use NULL to let the operating system choose a suitable local interface. If an address is specified, the port number should be zero, which means that a free port is automatically selected.
serverThe server's address. If the port number is zero, the default port for the protocol will be used.
identityPSK client identity
keyPSK shared key
key_lenPSK shared key length
A new CoAP session or NULL if failed. Call coap_session_release_lkd to free.

◆ coap_new_endpoint_lkd()

coap_endpoint_t * coap_new_endpoint_lkd ( coap_context_t context,
const coap_address_t listen_addr,
coap_proto_t  proto 

Create a new endpoint for communicating with peers.

Note: This function must be called in the locked state.

contextThe coap context that will own the new endpoint,
listen_addrAddress the endpoint will listen for incoming requests on or originate outgoing requests from. Use NULL to specify that no incoming request will be accepted and use a random endpoint.
protoProtocol used on this endpoint,
The new endpoint or NULL on failure.
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ coap_new_server_session()

coap_session_t * coap_new_server_session ( coap_context_t ctx,
coap_endpoint_t ep,
void *  extra 

Creates a new server session for the specified endpoint.

ctxThe CoAP context.
epAn endpoint where an incoming connection request is pending.
extraAvailable for use by any underlying network stack.
A new CoAP session or NULL if failed. Call coap_session_release_lkd to add to unused queue.

◆ coap_read_session()

void coap_read_session ( coap_context_t ctx,
coap_session_t session,
coap_tick_t  now 

Definition at line 2277 of file coap_net.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ coap_session_connected()

void coap_session_connected ( coap_session_t session)

Notify session that it has just connected or reconnected.

sessionThe CoAP session.

Definition at line 864 of file coap_session.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ coap_session_delay_pdu()

ssize_t coap_session_delay_pdu ( coap_session_t session,
coap_pdu_t pdu,
coap_queue_t node 

Definition at line 744 of file coap_session.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ coap_session_disconnected_lkd()

void coap_session_disconnected_lkd ( coap_session_t session,
coap_nack_reason_t  reason 

Notify session that it has failed.

This cleans up any outstanding / queued transmissions, observations etc..

Note: This function must be called in the locked state.

sessionThe CoAP session.
reasonThe reason why the session was disconnected.

Definition at line 985 of file coap_session.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ coap_session_establish()

void coap_session_establish ( coap_session_t session)

Layer function interface for layer below session accept/connect being established.

This function initiates a CSM request for reliable protocols, or coap_session_connect() for un-reliable protocols.

sessionSession that the lower layer accept/connect was done on.

Definition at line 1465 of file coap_session.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ coap_session_free()

void coap_session_free ( coap_session_t session)

Definition at line 568 of file coap_session.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ coap_session_max_pdu_rcv_size()

size_t coap_session_max_pdu_rcv_size ( const coap_session_t session)

Get maximum acceptable receive PDU size.

sessionThe CoAP session.
maximum PDU size, not including header (but including token).

Definition at line 675 of file coap_session.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ coap_session_max_pdu_size_lkd()

size_t coap_session_max_pdu_size_lkd ( const coap_session_t session)

Get maximum acceptable PDU size.

Note: This function must be called in the locked state.

sessionThe CoAP session.
maximum PDU size, not including header (but including token).

Definition at line 701 of file coap_session.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ coap_session_mfree()

void coap_session_mfree ( coap_session_t session)

Definition at line 488 of file coap_session.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ coap_session_reference_lkd()

coap_session_t * coap_session_reference_lkd ( coap_session_t session)

Increment reference counter on a session.

Note: This function must be called in the locked state.

sessionThe CoAP session.
same as session

Definition at line 356 of file coap_session.c.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ coap_session_refresh_psk_hint()

int coap_session_refresh_psk_hint ( coap_session_t session,
const coap_bin_const_t psk_hint 

Refresh the session's current Identity Hint (PSK).

Note: A copy of psk_hint is maintained in the session by libcoap.

sessionThe current coap_session_t object.
psk_hintIf NULL, the Identity Hint will revert to the initial Identity Hint used at session setup.
1 if successful, else 0.

Definition at line 1735 of file coap_session.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ coap_session_refresh_psk_identity()

int coap_session_refresh_psk_identity ( coap_session_t session,
const coap_bin_const_t psk_identity 

Refresh the session's current pre-shared identity (PSK).

Note: A copy of psk_identity is maintained in the session by libcoap.

sessionThe current coap_session_t object.
psk_identityIf NULL, the pre-shared identity will revert to the initial pre-shared key used as session setup.
1 if successful, else 0.

Definition at line 1792 of file coap_session.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ coap_session_refresh_psk_key()

int coap_session_refresh_psk_key ( coap_session_t session,
const coap_bin_const_t psk_key 

Refresh the session's current pre-shared key (PSK).

Note: A copy of psk_key is maintained in the session by libcoap.

sessionThe current coap_session_t object.
psk_keyIf NULL, the pre-shared key will revert to the initial pre-shared key used at session setup.
1 if successful, else 0.

Definition at line 1764 of file coap_session.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ coap_session_release_lkd()

void coap_session_release_lkd ( coap_session_t session)

Decrement reference counter on a session.

Note that the session may be deleted as a result and should not be used after this call.

Note: This function must be called in the locked state.

sessionThe CoAP session.

Definition at line 376 of file coap_session.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ coap_session_send_csm()

void coap_session_send_csm ( coap_session_t session)

Notify session transport has just connected and CSM exchange can now start.

sessionThe CoAP session.

Definition at line 785 of file coap_session.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ coap_session_send_pdu()

ssize_t coap_session_send_pdu ( coap_session_t session,
coap_pdu_t pdu 

Send a pdu according to the session's protocol.

This function returns the number of bytes that have been transmitted, or a value less than zero on error.

sessionSession to send pdu on.
pduThe pdu to send.
The number of bytes written on success, or a value less than zero on error.

Definition at line 1001 of file coap_net.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ coap_session_send_ping_lkd()

coap_mid_t coap_session_send_ping_lkd ( coap_session_t session)

Send a ping message for the session.

sessionThe CoAP session.

Note: This function must be called in the locked state.

COAP_INVALID_MID if there is an error

Definition at line 842 of file coap_session.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ coap_session_server_keepalive_failed()

void coap_session_server_keepalive_failed ( coap_session_t session)

Clear down a session following a keepalive failure.

The event handler will get notified of the failure. Note: the session cannot be used after this function is called.

sessionSession to clear down.
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ coap_session_set_type_client_lkd()

int coap_session_set_type_client_lkd ( coap_session_t session)

Set the session type to client.

Typically used in a call-home server. The session initially needs to be of type COAP_SESSION_TYPE_SERVER, which is then made COAP_SESSION_TYPE_CLIENT. Note: If this function is successful, the session reference count is incremented and a subsequent coap_session_release() taking the reference count to 0 will cause the (now client) session to be freed off. Note: This function will fail for a DTLS server type session if done before the ClientHello is seen.

Note: This function must be called in the locked state.

sessionThe CoAP session.
1 if updated, 0 on failure.

Definition at line 2045 of file coap_session.c.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ coap_sub_fixed_uint()

coap_fixed_point_t coap_sub_fixed_uint ( coap_fixed_point_t  fp1,
uint32_t  u2 

Definition at line 68 of file coap_session.c.