The scheme specifiers.
int coap_verify_proxy_scheme_supported(coap_uri_scheme_t scheme)
Verify that the CoAP Scheme is supported for an ongoing proxy connection.
coap_response_t COAP_API coap_proxy_forward_response(coap_session_t *rsp_session, const coap_pdu_t *received, coap_cache_key_t **cache_key)
Forward the returning response back to the appropriate client.
int COAP_API coap_proxy_forward_request(coap_session_t *req_session, const coap_pdu_t *request, coap_pdu_t *response, coap_resource_t *resource, coap_cache_key_t *cache_key, coap_proxy_server_list_t *server_list)
Forward incoming request upstream to the next proxy/server.
Act as a reverse proxy, strip out proxy options.
Act as a forward-dynamic proxy using the request's Proxy-Uri or Proxy-Scheme options to determine ser...
Act as a reverse proxy.
Act as a forward-static proxy.
Act as a forward-dynamic proxy, strip out proxy options.
Act as a forward-static proxy, strip out proxy options.
The structure used for defining the Client PSK setup data to be used.
The structure used for defining the PKI setup data to be used.
The structure used to hold the OSCORE configuration information.
int track_client_session
If 1, track individual connections to upstream server, else 0 for all clients to share the same ongoi...
coap_proxy_server_t * entry
Set of servers to connect to.
coap_proxy_t type
The proxy type.
unsigned int idle_timeout_secs
Proxy upstream session idle timeout (0 is no timeout)
size_t next_entry
Next server to use (% entry_count)
size_t entry_count
The number of servers in entry list.
coap_dtls_pki_t * dtls_pki
PKI configuration to use if not NULL.
coap_oscore_conf_t * oscore_conf
OSCORE configuration if not NULL.
coap_uri_t uri
host and port define the server, scheme method
coap_dtls_cpsk_t * dtls_cpsk
PSK configuration to use if not NULL.
Abstraction of resource that can be attached to coap_context_t.
Abstraction of virtual session that can be attached to coap_context_t (client) or coap_endpoint_t (se...
Representation of parsed URI.