36#define COAP_MAX_BLOCK_SZX 6
63#define COAP_BLOCK_TRY_Q_BLOCK 0x04
64#define COAP_BLOCK_USE_M_Q_BLOCK 0x08
78#define COAP_OPT_BLOCK_LAST(opt) \
79 (coap_opt_length(opt) ? (coap_opt_value(opt) + (coap_opt_length(opt)-1)) : 0)
82#define COAP_OPT_BLOCK_END_BYTE(opt) \
83 ((coap_opt_length(opt) && coap_opt_value(opt)) ? \
84 *(coap_opt_value(opt) + (coap_opt_length(opt)-1)) : 0)
87#define COAP_OPT_BLOCK_MORE(opt) \
88 (coap_opt_length(opt) ? (COAP_OPT_BLOCK_END_BYTE(opt) & 0x08) : 0)
91#define COAP_OPT_BLOCK_SZX(opt) \
92 (coap_opt_length(opt) ? (COAP_OPT_BLOCK_END_BYTE(opt) & 0x07) : 0)
105 return ((num+1) << (szx + 4)) < data_len;
coap_opt_t *block_opt,
int m) {
221 unsigned int block_num,
222 unsigned char block_szx);
251 const uint8_t *data,
size_t offset,
size_t total);
277 const uint8_t *data);
422 uint32_t block_mode);
Encoding and decoding of CoAP data types.
Helpers for handling options in CoAP PDUs.
uint16_t coap_option_num_t
uint8_t coap_opt_t
Use byte-oriented access methods here because sliding a complex struct coap_opt_t over the data buffe...
Pre-defined constants that reflect defaults for CoAP.
COAP_API void coap_context_set_block_mode(coap_context_t *context, uint32_t block_mode)
Set the context level CoAP block handling bits for handling RFC7959.
COAP_API int coap_add_data_large_response(coap_resource_t *resource, coap_session_t *session, const coap_pdu_t *request, coap_pdu_t *response, const coap_string_t *query, uint16_t media_type, int maxage, uint64_t etag, size_t length, const uint8_t *data, coap_release_large_data_t release_func, void *app_ptr)
Associates given data with the response pdu that is passed as fourth parameter.
COAP_API int coap_add_data_large_request(coap_session_t *session, coap_pdu_t *pdu, size_t length, const uint8_t *data, coap_release_large_data_t release_func, void *app_ptr)
Associates given data with the pdu that is passed as second parameter.
COAP_API int coap_context_set_max_block_size(coap_context_t *context, size_t max_block_size)
Set the context level maximum block size that the server supports when sending or receiving packets w...
int coap_add_block_b_data(coap_pdu_t *pdu, size_t len, const uint8_t *data, coap_block_b_t *block)
Adds the appropriate payload data of the body to the pdu.
int coap_write_block_b_opt(coap_session_t *session, coap_block_b_t *block, coap_option_num_t number, coap_pdu_t *pdu, size_t data_length)
Writes a block option of type number to message pdu.
int coap_add_block(coap_pdu_t *pdu, size_t len, const uint8_t *data, unsigned int block_num, unsigned char block_szx)
Adds the block_num block of size 1 << (block_szx + 4) from source data to pdu.
void(* coap_release_large_data_t)(coap_session_t *session, void *app_ptr)
Callback handler for de-allocating the data based on app_ptr provided to coap_add_data_large_*() func...
void coap_add_data_blocked_response(const coap_pdu_t *request, coap_pdu_t *response, uint16_t media_type, int maxage, size_t length, const uint8_t *data)
Adds the appropriate part of data to the response pdu.
int coap_get_block_b(const coap_session_t *session, const coap_pdu_t *pdu, coap_option_num_t number, coap_block_b_t *block)
Initializes block from pdu.
COAP_STATIC_INLINE int coap_more_blocks(size_t data_len, unsigned int num, uint16_t szx)
Checks if more than num blocks are required to deliver data_len bytes of data for a block size of 1 <...
unsigned int coap_opt_block_num(const coap_opt_t *block_opt)
Returns the value of field num in the given block option block_opt.
int coap_get_block(const coap_pdu_t *pdu, coap_option_num_t number, coap_block_t *block)
Initializes block from pdu.
int coap_write_block_opt(coap_block_t *block, coap_option_num_t number, coap_pdu_t *pdu, size_t data_length)
Writes a block option of type number to message pdu.
coap_binary_t * coap_block_build_body(coap_binary_t *body_data, size_t length, const uint8_t *data, size_t offset, size_t total)
Re-assemble payloads into a body.
uint32_t coap_opt_length(const coap_opt_t *opt)
Returns the length of the given option.
const uint8_t * coap_opt_value(const coap_opt_t *opt)
Returns a pointer to the value of the given option.
CoAP binary data definition.
Structure of Block options with BERT support.
unsigned int num
block number
uint32_t chunk_size
1024 if BERT
unsigned int bert
Operating as BERT.
unsigned int aszx
block size (0-7 including BERT
unsigned int defined
Set if block found.
unsigned int m
1 if more blocks follow, 0 otherwise
unsigned int szx
block size (0-6)
Structure of Block options.
unsigned int num
block number
unsigned int szx
block size
unsigned int m
1 if more blocks follow, 0 otherwise
The CoAP stack's global state is stored in a coap_context_t object.
Abstraction of resource that can be attached to coap_context_t.
Abstraction of virtual session that can be attached to coap_context_t (client) or coap_endpoint_t (se...
CoAP string data definition.