113#define RESOURCES_ADD(r, obj) \
114 HASH_ADD(hh, (r), uri_path->s[0], (obj)->uri_path->length, (obj))
116#define RESOURCES_DELETE(r, obj) \
117 HASH_DELETE(hh, (r), (obj))
119#define RESOURCES_ITER(r,tmp) \
120 coap_resource_t *tmp, *rtmp; \
121 HASH_ITER(hh, (r), tmp, rtmp)
123#define RESOURCES_FIND(r, k, res) { \
124 HASH_FIND(hh, (r), (k)->s, (k)->length, (res)); \
Pulls together all the internal only header files.
coap_print_status_t coap_print_wellknown(coap_context_t *, unsigned char *, size_t *, size_t, const coap_string_t *)
void coap_delete_all_resources(coap_context_t *context)
Deletes all resources from given context and frees their storage.
void coap_delete_attr(coap_attr_t *attr)
Deletes an attribute.
unsigned int coap_print_status_t
Status word to encode the result of conditional print or copy operations such as coap_print_link().
void(* coap_method_handler_t)(coap_resource_t *, coap_session_t *, const coap_pdu_t *, const coap_string_t *, coap_pdu_t *)
Definition of message handler function.
Abstraction of attribute associated with a resource.
coap_str_const_t * value
Value of the attribute (can be NULL)
struct coap_attr_t * next
Pointer to next in chain or NULL.
coap_str_const_t * name
Name of the attribute.
The CoAP stack's global state is stored in a coap_context_t object.
Abstraction of resource that can be attached to coap_context_t.
unsigned int dirty
set to 1 if resource has changed
unsigned int partiallydirty
set to 1 if some subscribers have not yet been notified of the last change
coap_subscription_t * subscribers
list of observers for this resource
void * user_data
This pointer is under user control.
coap_str_const_t ** proxy_name_list
Array valid names this host is known by (proxy support)
coap_str_const_t * uri_path
Request URI Path for this resource.
unsigned int observe
The next value for the Observe option.
unsigned int cacheable
can be cached
coap_context_t * context
Pointer back to the context that 'owns' this resource.
coap_method_handler_t handler[7]
Used to store handlers for the seven coap methods GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, FETCH, PATCH and IPATCH.
unsigned int is_proxy_uri
resource created for proxy URI handler
unsigned int is_unknown
resource created for unknown handler
coap_attr_t * link_attr
attributes to be included with the link format
unsigned int observable
can be observed
size_t proxy_name_count
Count of valid names this host is known by (proxy support)
int flags
zero or more COAP_RESOURCE_FLAGS_* or'd together
CoAP string data definition with const data.
CoAP string data definition.
Number of notifications that may be sent non-confirmable before a confirmable message is sent to dete...