libcoap 4.3.5
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coap_dtls_spsk_info_t Struct Reference

The structure that holds the Server Pre-Shared Key and Identity Hint information. More...

#include <coap_dtls.h>

+ Collaboration diagram for coap_dtls_spsk_info_t:

Data Fields

coap_bin_const_t hint
coap_bin_const_t key

Detailed Description

The structure that holds the Server Pre-Shared Key and Identity Hint information.

Definition at line 450 of file coap_dtls.h.

Field Documentation

◆ hint

coap_bin_const_t coap_dtls_spsk_info_t::hint

Definition at line 451 of file coap_dtls.h.

◆ key

coap_bin_const_t coap_dtls_spsk_info_t::key

Definition at line 452 of file coap_dtls.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: