libcoap 4.3.1


#include <coap3/coap.h>

coap_context_t *coap_new_context(const coap_address_t *listen_addr);

void coap_free_context(coap_context_t *context);

void coap_context_set_max_idle_sessions(coap_context_t *context, unsigned int max_idle_sessions);

unsigned int coap_context_get_max_idle_sessions( const coap_context_t *context);

void coap_context_set_max_handshake_sessions(coap_context_t *context, unsigned int max_handshake_sessions);

unsigned int coap_context_get_max_handshake_sessions( const coap_context_t *context);

void coap_context_set_session_timeout(coap_context_t *context, unsigned int session_timeout);

unsigned int coap_context_get_session_timeout( const coap_context_t *context);

void coap_context_set_csm_timeout(coap_context_t *context, unsigned int csm_timeout);

unsigned int coap_context_get_csm_timeout(const coap_context_t *context);

For specific (D)TLS library support, link with -lcoap-3-notls, -lcoap-3-gnutls, -lcoap-3-openssl, -lcoap-3-mbedtls or -lcoap-3-tinydtls. Otherwise, link with -lcoap-3 to get the default (D)TLS library support.


This man page focuses on the CoAP Context and how to update or get information from the opaque coap_context_t structure.

The CoAP stack’s global state is stored in a coap_context_t Context object. Resources, Endpoints and Sessions are associated with this context object. There can be more than one coap_context_t object per application, it is up to the application to manage each one accordingly.

The coap_new_context() function creates a new Context that is then used to keep all the CoAP Resources, Endpoints and Sessions information. The optional listen_addr parameter, if set for a CoAP server, creates an Endpoint that is added to the context that is listening for un-encrypted traffic on the IP address and port number defined by listen_addr.

The coap_free_context() function must be used to release the CoAP stack context. It clears all entries from the receive queue and send queue and deletes the Resources that have been registered with context, and frees the attached Sessions and Endpoints.

The coap_context_set_max_idle_sessions() function sets the maximum number of idle server sessions to max_idle_sessions for context. If this number is exceeded, the least recently used server session is completely removed. 0 (the initial default) means that the number of idle sessions is not monitored.

The coap_context_get_max_idle_sessions() function returns the maximum number of idle server sessions for context.

The coap_context_set_max_handshake_sessions() function sets the maximum number of outstanding server sessions in (D)TLS handshake to max_handshake_sessions for context. If this number is exceeded, the least recently used server session in handshake is completely removed. 0 (the default) means that the number of handshakes is not monitored.

The coap_context_get_max_handshake_sessions() function returns the maximum number of outstanding server sessions in (D)TLS handshake for context.

The coap_context_set_session_timeout() function sets the number of seconds of inactivity to session_timeout for context before an idle server session is removed. 0 (the default) means wait for the default of 300 seconds.

The coap_context_get_session_timeout() function returns the seconds to wait before timing out an idle server session for context.

The coap_context_set_csm_timeout() function sets the number of seconds to wait for a (TCP) CSM negotiation response from the peer to csm_timeout for context. 0 (the default) means wait forever.

The coap_context_get_csm_timeout() function returns the seconds to wait for a (TCP) CSM negotiation response from the peer for context,


coap_new_context() function returns a newly created context or NULL if there is a creation failure.

coap_context_get_max_idle_sessions() returns the maximum number of idle server sessions.

coap_context_get_max_handshake_sessions() returns the maximum number of outstanding server sessions in (D)TLS handshake.

coap_context_get_session_timeout() returns the seconds to wait before timing out an idle server session.

coap_context_get_csm_timeout() returns the seconds to wait for a (TCP) CSM negotiation response from the peer.




See "RFC7252: The Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP)" for further information.


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