Representation of parsed URI.
str query
The query part if present.
unsigned char coap_key_t[4]
coap_uri_t * coap_clone_uri(const coap_uri_t *uri)
Clones the specified coap_uri_t object.
str host
host part of the URI
coap_uri_t * coap_new_uri(const unsigned char *uri, unsigned int length)
Creates a new coap_uri_t object from the specified URI.
str path
Beginning of the first path segment.
int coap_split_uri(const unsigned char *str_var, size_t len, coap_uri_t *uri)
Parses a given string into URI components.
unsigned short port
The port in host byte order.
int coap_split_path(const unsigned char *s, size_t length, unsigned char *buf, size_t *buflen)
Splits the given URI path into segments.
int coap_hash_path(const unsigned char *path, size_t len, coap_key_t key)
Calculates a hash over the given path and stores the result in key.
int coap_split_query(const unsigned char *s, size_t length, unsigned char *buf, size_t *buflen)
Splits the given URI query into segments.
definition of hash key type and helper functions