coap-server — CoAP Server based on libcoap
coap-server [-d max] [-g group] [-l loss] [-p port] [-v num]
[-A address] [-N]
[[-k key] [-h hint]]
[[-c certfile] [-n] [-C cafile] [-R root_cafile]]
coap-server is an example server for the 'Constrained Application Protocol`
(RFC 7252).
OPTIONS - General
-d max
Enable support for creation of dynamic resources when doing a PUT up to a
limit of max. If max is reached, a 4.06 code is returned until one of the
dynamic resources has been deleted.
-g group
Join specified multicast group on startup.
-p port
The port on the given address will be listening for incoming connections.
If (D)TLS is supported, then port + 1 will also be listened on for
(D)TLS connections.
The default port is 5683 if not given any other value.
-l list
Fail to send some datagrams specified by a comma separated list of
numbers or number ranges (debugging only).
-l loss%
Randomly failed to send datagams with the specified probability - 100%
all datagrams, 0% no datagrams (debugging only).
-v num
The verbosity level to use (default 3, maximum is 9). Above 7, there is
increased verbosity in GnuTLS and OpenSSL logging.
-A addr
The local address of the interface which the server has to listen.
Send NON-confirmable message for \"observe\" responses. If option -N is
not specified, a confirmable response will be sent. Even if set, every
fifth response will still be sent as a confirmable response
(RFC 7641 requirement).
(If supported by underlying (D)TLS library)
-h hint
Pre-shared key hint to use for inbound connections. The default is CoAP.
This cannot be empty if defined.
-k key
Pre-shared key to use for inbound connections. This cannot be empty if
Note: if -c cafile is defined, you need to define -k key as well to
have the server support both PSK and PKI.
(If supported by underlying (D)TLS library)
-c certfile
Use the specified PEM file which contains the CERTIFICATE and PRIVATE
KEY information.
Note: if -k key is defined, you need to define -c cafile as well to
have the server support both PSK and PKI.
Disable the requirement for clients to have defined client certificates
-C cafile
PEM file containing the CA Certificate that was used to sign the certfile
defined using -c certfile.
If defined, then the client will be given this CA Certificate during the TLS
set up. Furthermore, this will trigger the validation of the client
certificate. If certfile is self-signed (as defined by -c certfile), then
you need to have on the command line the same filename for both the certfile
and cafile (as in -c certfile -C certfile) to trigger validation.
-R root_cafile
PEM file containing the set of trusted root CAs that are to be used to
validate the server certificate. The -C cafile does not have to be in
this list and is "trusted" for the verification.
Alternatively, this can point to a directory containing a set of CA PEM files.
coap-server -A ::1
Let the server listen on localhost (port 5683).
coap-server -A ::1 -k mysecretKey -h myhint
Let the server listen on localhost (port 5683 and 5684) with the server
set up for PSK authentication.
coap-server -A ::1 -p 13011
The same, except the listening port is 13011 (and not the default port
coap-server -A 2001:db8:81a8:0:6ef0:dead:feed:beef -v 5
The listening address is set to 2001:db8:81a8:0:6ef0:dead:feed:beef and the
verbosity level is set to 5.
coap-server -A 2001:db8:81a8:0:6ef0:dead:feed:beef -g FF02::FD
Set listening address to 2001:db8:81a8:0:6ef0:dead:feed:beef and join the
All CoAP Nodes multicast group FF02::FD.
There are no configuration files.
Failure (syntax or usage error; configuration error; document
processing failure; unexpected error)