coap-rd — A CoAP Resource Directory based on libcoap
coap-rd is a simple CoAP Resource Directory server that can handle resource registrations using the protocol CoAP (RFC 7252).
coap-rd -A ::1
Let the server listen on localhost (port 5683).
coap-rd -A ::1 -p 13011
Quite the same, except listening port is 13011 (and not the default port 5683).
coap-rd -A 2001:db8:81a8:0:6ef0:dead:feed:beef -v 5
The listening address is set to 2001:db8:81a8:0:6ef0:dead:feed:beef and the verbosity level is set to 5.
coap-rd -A 2001:db8:81a8:0:6ef0:dead:feed:beef -g FF02::FD
Set listening address to 2001:db8:81a8:0:6ef0:dead:feed:beef and join the All CoAP Nodes multicast group FF02::FD.